Boruto all grown up. 4 New Reveals in Boruto Chapter 85.

Hey everyone. I hope you’ve all had a great Christmas and are spending time with your family as we prepare for 2024. The newest chapter of Boruto just dropped as we’ve learned more about the enemy and the status of the Leaf Village. It’s clear that sooner or later, the truths about omnipotence are going to be known by everyone. Here are the 4 new reveals in Boruto Chapter 85.

1. Boruto has mastered most of Sasuke’s jutsu

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During the time skip, we see Sasuke training Boruto. Within one year, Sasuke admits he’s already taught Boruto most of his jutsu techniques. He tells Boruto that while he may be a prodigy, his training doesn’t stop here, and he must further improve. Naruto mentioned that he was always jealous of his son’s natural talent, as everything comes easy for Boruto, and you can even see Sasuke admit it now.

Sasuke even mentions that Boruto resembles Naruto and finally understands why Sarada wanted him to help Boruto. Believing that a new threat is upon them that only Boruto and Sarada can fix.  Even after being put under omnipotence, Sasuke still believes in his student, Boruto.

2. Sasuke’s last fight was against Code

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Eventually, Sasuke and Boruto fight Code in an epic battle. The Uchiha stabs one of Code’s eyes out in this fight. But Code has the two-leaf Shinobi, surrounded by his Claw Grimes. With their backs against a wall, Sasuke orders Boruto to flee and requests his student protect his daughter Sarada.

Boruto vows to save master. 4 New Reveals in Boruto Chapter 85.

The Uchiha is able to beat all of the Claw Grimes, but not before getting bit by one and turning into a divine tree.  Boruto takes his master’s sword and vows to save him. He had several fights with Code after this one in an attempt to save his master Sasuke.

3. God Trees have a new Purpose

When Moegi becomes a divine tree, her students and best friend Konohomaru promise to save her. We learn that the self-aware God Trees connect with victims who turn into trees after being bit by a claw grime. For example, Matsuri has a connection to Moegi. Being able to sense her feelings and the people Moegi is close to.

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The God Trees want more of a purpose than just eating an Otsusuki like Boruto or Kawaki to get a massive power boost. They want to evolve their consciousness by eating someone close to their creator. Matsuri, the god tree from Moegi, wants to eat Konohomaru. Hidari, the god tree from Sasuke, wants to eat Sarada, and Jura wants to eat Naruto Uzumaki.

It’ll be interesting to see how this plays out, as these are some powerful targets the God Trees want to devour. These fights will be fun to watch. I’m curious to see if their appearance alters based on the people they eat and if their personalities will also change. We’ll have to wait for future chapters to find out.

4. Amado knows his memories were altered

Final Secret on 4 New Reveals in Boruto Chapter 85.

Hands down, my favorite moment in this chapter was reading Amado’s analysis. Despite everyone believing Boruto is the rogue Shinobi who killed the Hokage, Amado is aware that something doesn’t add up as he delves deeper into his memories.

Amado knows his memories were overwritten.  4 New Reveals in Boruto Chapter 85.

In certain situations, Amado realizes that his memories have been altered. The first example is seeing Kawaki’s body transform into a scientific ninja instrument. The second is realizing that his daughter’s memories are in Kawaki’s karma, not Boruto’s. Amado recognizes that these were his creations when he notices signs of his work that were required for both scenarios.

I was surprised by this since even an intelligent shinobi like Shikamaru fell for Eida’s jutsu. But Amado could reach this conclusion after years of being tricked. Shikamaru and Sai are listening in on this entire exchange.  The Hokage now understands that Sarada and Sumire’s story of Eida’s omnipotence makes more sense. It’ll be interesting to see how Shikamaru takes action on this issue moving forward.

Biggest Question

Who is Jura’s creator?

So, we know from whom all the god trees originate, except Jura. We learn that the god trees want to devour someone close to their creator. For example, the god tree Hidari originates from Sasuke and wants to eat his daughter Sarada. Jura does resemble Jigen, an enemy who tried to kill Naruto in an attempt to get Kawaki. But we don’t have any confirmation right now. So it’s still up for grabs who he originated from.

See you in the new year!

That concludes my 4 New Reveals in Boruto, Chapter 85. I’m loving the story after the time skip, and this is a terrific chapter. I can’t wait for Boruto to finally fight Kawaki. I hope that day will come sooner rather than later. What were your favorite moments of this chapter? Let me know in the comments. If you guys liked this post, then check out my The Boy and the Heron review.

I wish everyone a happy new year. I hope you achieve all of your goals in 2024.  Thank you all so much for reading, and as always, until next time.

Categories: Anime