Hey guys! I finally caught up on the Boruto manga after returning home from Japan. A lot has happened after the time skip from Part 1. I thought rather than do a recap of the first three chapters, it’d be more interesting to go through 7 Secrets Revealed in Boruto after the Time Skip.

7 Secrets Revealed in Boruto - All Grown up

The Leaf Village and the main cast have changed a lot in the past three years. You see a shift in tone as we get into a more serious story, similar to Naruto Shippuden. Boruto and his friends are now in their mid-teens.  Having grown up quite a bit since the last time we saw them.  There are quite a few Aha moments that I found pretty interesting.  Now let’s dive into them!

7 Secrets Revealed in Boruto

1. Shikamaru becomes the 8th Hokage

7 Secrets Revealed in Boruto - Shikamaru becomes hokage

Perhaps the biggest surprise to me was that Shikamaru Nara became the 8th hokage. I would’ve thought that one of the previous Hokage Kakashi or Tsunade would’ve retaken the mantle. But seeing how much they both hated the title, it’s no surprise that they didn’t want to return to office.

All in all, I think that Shikamaru is an excellent choice. He is by far the most qualified person of his generation for this position. He has been an advisor to the two previous Hokages that preceded him. His superior intellect was also a critical asset in ending the 4th Great Ninja War. While he’s probably the weakest of the eight Hokage we’ve had, I don’t think that’s such a bad thing.

Shikamaru knows his limits and when a task is too much for him. He works best in a team environment. To me, that’s someone you want to have as a leader. Not somebody who’s ego-driven and thinks they can handle everything.

2. Sarada is still a Genin

7 Secrets Revealed in Boruto- Sarada a Genin

Over the next three years, Sarada had the opportunity to become a Chunin several times but opted not to. It’s no surprise since her best friend and dad had to flee the village. She’s had a lot on her plate, but her skills have become very sharp. As noted by a fellow Leaf Shinobi surprise, Sarada was only a Genin when she took down a Claw Grime with ease.

7 Secrets Revealed in Boruto - Naruto and Sasuke over the years.

Being a Genin at 16 isn’t the worst thing in the world. If anything, she’s following in the footsteps of both Naruto and Sasuke. Neither passed the Chuunin exam, and they are still both Genin technically. Yet both were much more powerful than all of their classmates and even masters by the time they were 17.

Both played a crucial role in ending the 4th Great Ninja War. Eventually, Naruto even became the Hokage despite never taking the Chuunin exam.

3. Code’s Hidden Leaf Invasions

In the first chapter, we learn that Code has made several attempts to get into the leaf.  By putting Clawmarks throughout the village so that he can teleport inside.  But Kawaki has been preventing this by using his Otsutsuki dojutsu to minimize the claw marks, making them too small for Code to teleport.

7 Secrets Revealed in Boruto - Code after the time skip

In the second chapter, we also learn that Code and Boruto have had several fights over the last three years. In that time, Boruto has tried to find the location of the Ten-Tails by battling Code. In one of those fights, we learn that Boruto slashed Code’s left eye, giving the foe a scar similar to himself and Kakashi. This instance shows how far Code will go to turn the Ten-Tails into the divine tree and unleash it on Earth.

4. Boruto’s new Rasengan Uzuhiko

7 Secrets Revealed in Boruto - Rasengan Uzuhiko

Naruto has made countless versions of the Rasengan over the years. But I have never seen anything like the Rasengan Uzuhiko, which collects energy from the world. This type of senjutsu makes use of the power of nature.

The energy spirals around Boruto’s body and will do the same for the victim once they come into contact with Boruto. I assume once Boruto hits the opponent, they move in the same direction as the planet. Boruto’s body moves in the opposite direction, making it impossible for the target to strike him. This can be seen when Code notes that Boruto wasn’t evading his strikes when he couldn’t connect.

7 Secrets Revealed in Boruto - Boruto strikes Code

Once Boruto strikes his target, the rotating chakra will enter the opponent’s body. While initially it doesn’t seem to do much damage, it will wear down the target’s body over time. The spiraling chakra will not leave their body as long as the planet rotates. The only person who can undo the jutsu is Boruto himself.

Sasuke is most likely the one who taught Boruto the technique. Seeing the chakra circle around Boruto’s body reminds me of the Chidori current. That Sasuke uses when we first see him in the Shippuden series. It’s also probable that the toad sages have taught him how to use senjutsu since Boruto now has access to them as summoning animals.

That’s all we know about Rasengan Uzuhiko. For now, we’ll have to wait for Boruto to use the jutsu more to get a better understanding.

5. Eida knows of Sarada and Sumire’s immunity to Omnipotence

After the events of Omnipotence, it was only a matter of time before Eida found out that Sarada was immune to Omnipotence. Since she sent in Sasuke to save Boruto, they didn’t need to mention that Sumire was also immune.

7 Secrets Revealed in Boruto - Sarada and Sumire immune to charm

However, that may have been difficult since Eida can eavesdrop on the girls with clairvoyance. Even after learning of the immunity to omnipotence, the two kunoichis trick Eida into believing they’re under her charm. Although Daemon is suspicious that the girls are lying, he stares them down.

7 Secrets Revealed in Boruto - Love Triangle

The charm immunity is still a head-scratcher. But I believe both Omnipotence and Charm don’t work on the two kunoichi because they both love Boruto.  Being an Otsutsuki, he must give them immunity from Eida. It’s the most logical answer I can come up with.  But we’ll have to wait and see.

6. Himawari remains loyal to Boruto

It was a breath of fresh air to learn that Himawari was training to become a shinobi after being uncertain of her future in Part 1 of the anime. All so that she can help out a stranger who’s actually her brother.

7 Secrets Revealed in Boruto - Himawari's loyalty to Boruto

It makes sense since Kawaki did save Naruto and Himawari from Delta once. With Omnipotence, she now thinks that Boruto was the one who saved her that day and wants to help him. It is so heartwarming to see Himawari support her brother despite being brainwashed.

7. Konohomaru’s promotion to Hokage Advisor

While Sarada is still a Genin, her teammates may have been promoted to become Chuunin. It seems that Team 7 has been disbanded, and Konohomaru has gone up the ranks as well. Having obtained the title of Hokage Advisor. It’s great to see that he is getting closer to his own goal of becoming the Hokage. I’m sure that his grandfather, Hiruzen Sarutobi, would be proud.

The biggest questions left unanswered:

Now that we’ve looked at the 7 secrets revealed in Boruto after the time skip, let’s look at the biggest questions left outstanding. That includes the following:

1. Where is Sasuke?

7 Secrets Revealed in Boruto - Sasuke passes his prized posessions to his pupil.

It’s clear that Sasuke has been crucial in training Boruto over the past few years, but he’s nowhere to be found. Tracking the Ten-Tails was originally his mission, but he entrusted that to Boruto. On top of the forehead protector, he gives Boruto his cloak and Kusanagi sword. It’s possible that Boruto has surpassed his Sensei, and Sasuke felt it was time to pass the mission on to his pupil.

I’m also curious to see how Sakura feels about all of this. Probably under Omnipotence herself, like the rest of the village, she must think Naruto is dead and her husband has gone rogue again. I’m sure Sarada explained the situation to her, but she probably thinks her daughter has lost her marbles.

2. How does Omnipotence work with photos and videos?

I’m curious to see how family portraits and videos work with omnipotence. Specifically, Boruto’s grandpa Hiashi and aunt Hanabi. They would have photos of their family, with Boruto included. So, what happens there? Is Boruto’s face replaced with Kawaki?

Or is it similar to what Hermione did in the Deathly Hallows film? She used the Obliviate spell to remove herself from all of their portraits. It’s a mystery nonetheless.

3. What did Code do to modify the Ten-Tails?

We all know that the Ten-Tails are dangerous, especially when feeding an Otsutsuki. It will turn into the divine tree and suck life out of the planet. Despite this horrific outcome, Boruto seems more concerned with what Code did to modify the Ten-Tail’s DNA. I’m really curious to see how Code made this creature even more dangerous.

4. Who gave Boruto the summoning contract for the toads?

Initially, Boruto had a summoning contract with the snake Garaga from Part 1. But how did he come into contact with the toad sages? Perhaps the toads know the truth—that Boruto is Naruto’s true son. So they decided to give him a contract and teach him senjutsu.

Similar to Sasuke, who has two contracts with snakes and hawks. Boruto also has two contracts with snakes and toads. Mirroring the same animals his dad and master have. Showing his commitment to his family and sensei.

5. Has Boruto mastered the Jogan yet?

At the end of Part 1, Boruto lost his right eye after Kawaki slashed it. But has he mastered the Jogan eye in his 3-year absence? In the pilot episode, we see a scene where Boruto can awaken the Jogan eye at will. That moment doesn’t seem so far off from where we are currently. There’s still very little we know about his Jogan eye.

I’m sure that Sasuke has given Boruto a few pointers on how he can use the dojutsu in battle. If anyone is an expert on visual prowess, it’s him. Being the only Shinobi alive today that’s used the Sharingan and Rinnegan.

Did I miss anything?

So overall, those are the 7 secrets revealed in Boruto after the time skip. I’m excited to see where the story leads in the next few months. What were your thoughts on the first three chapters? Let me know in the comments. If you liked this post, then check out my anime starter pack post. Once again, thank you so much for reading, and as always, until next time.

Categories: Anime

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7 Amazing 'What If' Scenarios in Dragonball - Closet Nerd Facts · November 9, 2023 at 1:45 am

[…] have any more what-if scenarios? Let me know in the comments. If you liked this post, check out my biggest secrets revealed in Boruto article. Thank you all so much for reading, and as always, until next […]

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