The number of characters in Naruto is endless, but many do not get the spotlight they deserve. They fall under the radar even though they had a part in shaping Naruto into the ninja he is today. Because of this, I will share my list of 8 Shinobi that changed Naruto Uzumaki’s life for the better. The majority of these shinobi often get overlooked by the general fan base. Let’s take a look at these legends!

1. Neji Hyuga

At a young age, it was pretty clear that Neji was a much more skilled shinobi than anyone in his generation. Most likely due to his rough upbringing after losing his father at a young age, he strived to prove his superiority to the main Hyuga household. While initially an arrogant punk, Neji matures greatly after losing to Naruto in the Chunin exams. He becomes protective of the extended family he once hated.

His most heroic moment comes in the 4th Great Ninja War, where he uses his body as a shield to protect Naruto and Hinata from a Ten Tails attack. If Neji did not sacrifice himself, then Naruto may have died, causing the shinobi to lose the war to Madara Uchiha.

2. Shikamaru Nara

Shikamaru on 8 Shinobi that changed Naruto

Shikamaru is one of the few characters shown to be a true friend to Naruto throughout his life. Being one of the only kids to befriend him when he had been isolated by everyone in the village. As a teenager, he is often seen advising Naruto through difficult times, like when Jiraiya dies. Their friendship has only improved over time.

Years later, as an adult, Shikamaru succeeds his father in becoming the Hokage advisor to his close friend Naruto. Shikamaru is often seen butting heads with Naruto in situations that could threaten the Leaf Village. However, despite this, they remain close friends. Shikamaru takes his job seriously and will sacrifice his own life to save his friend and the leaf village if needed.

3. Hinata Uzumaki

Hinata on 8 Shinobi that changed Naruto

Hinata is the kind of girl I feel every guy needs. The girl who is with you at your highest and lowest points. She first develops feelings for Naruto when she is about 4–5. After being picked on by a couple of bullies, Naruto defends her. Causing Hinata to fall in love with Naruto. She would continue to admire him for the rest of their childhood. Naruto finally realizes his feelings for Hinata in the last movie when she is kidnapped by Toneri Otsutsuki. After Naruto saves Hinata, the two finally start their relationship.

Eventually, the couple gets married and has two children: Boruto and Himawari Uzumaki. Hinata becomes a housewife and supports Naruto’s day-to-day activities as the Seventh Hokage. She is also an incredible mother who is adored by both her children.

4. Mizuki

Mizuki on 8 Shinobi that changed Naruto

The ninja tricks Naruto into taking the forbidden scroll, which is considered an act of theft by the Leaf. Mizuki would use this as a chance to steal the scroll from Naruto and kill him in the process. Iruka learns of this and attempts to take down Mizuki. During a scuffle, Mizuki reveals to Naruto that the Nine-tailed fox that destroyed the village 12 years ago lives inside him.

After a few more scuffles between Iruka and Mizuki, Naruto discovers that Iruko doesn’t view him as the monster who killed his parents. But as his student, whom he deeply cares for. This is a critical point in Naruto’s life because it is the first time he realizes he’s not alone. This moment was also crucial in Naruto’s development as a ninja since it was the first time he showed his trademark shadow clone jutsu. This technique saved Naruto many times and helped him develop as a ninja.

5. Iruka Umino

As I mentioned before, Iruka is the first person to treat Naruto like a person and not ignore him like the rest of the village. Iruka was initially reluctant to teach Naruto since the nine-tail fox he harbors was responsible for killing his parents. But he eventually warms up to Naruto and often risks his life to keep him safe. The best example is Iruka taking a shuriken in the back to protect Naruto from Mizuki.

This brotherly relationship gave Naruto hope and motivated him to find more friends. In addition, this relationship would further encourage Naruto to become stronger, so he could protect the people important to him in his life (Iruka included). At the end of the series, when Naruto is a young man, he asks Iruka to be his father at his wedding.

6. Jiraiya

Naruto’s godfather, Jiraiya, has a long history with the Uzumaki family. Initially being a sensei to Naruto’s father, Minato. Jiraiya also came up with the name Naruto for a protagonist in one of his books. Minato and Kushina loved the name so much that they gave it to their baby.

Jiraiya was a father figure to Naruto. The two spent three years traveling together, preparing Naruto for the fights he would face with Sasuke and the Akatsuki in the Shippuden series. Jiraiya also teaches Naruto the Rasengan technique, which became his trademark jutsu. When Jiraiya was killed by Pain, it further motivated Naruto to get stronger. He trained in sage jutsu like Jiraiya to defeat Pain. Ironically, it’s now his primary means of offense after losing Kurama.

7. Haku and Zabuza

Last, we have the duo of Haku and Zabuza, a pair of wanted assassins from the hidden mist village. Also, the first villains that Naruto would face as a ninja. Zabuza tried to show Naruto that to be a shinobi, he had to kill his emotions and that Ninjas are tools meant to serve a purpose. That all lost value when Naruto saw Zabuza shedding tears after Haku’s death.

Haku did not like being a ninja and avoided killing people whenever possible. Haku taught Naruto a valuable lesson, not just in the shinobi world but in life. True strength is found when you protect someone important to you. Haku demonstrated this by using his body as a shield to protect Zabuza from Kakashi’s lightning blade.

These two villains made Naruto realize how corrupt the shinobi world truly was. Naruto decides from that point on to ignore all expectations of what it means to be a ninja. Naruto would follow his own path and find his version of what it means to be a ninja.

Is there anyone I missed?

So overall, those are my 8 Shinobi that changed Naruto Uzumaki’s life for the better. Please keep in mind that there are still dozens of characters in this universe who have also impacted Naruto’s life. Should anyone be added to my list? Let me know in the comments. If you liked this post, check out my Boruto recap post. Once again, thank you so much for reading, and until next time.

Categories: Anime