Closet Nerd Facts

Hello, and welcome to CNF (Closet Nerd Facts)! My name is AJ. I am 29 years old and reside in Toronto, Ontario, Canada (born and raised). My hobbies include reading, traveling, hiking, snowboarding, and basketball. I love traveling; my most recent trip was to Japan this year. One of my dreams is to travel the world. Living in a different country each year and learning as much as I can about various cultures.

I am starting this blog to put my thoughts on paper and talk about the content I am passionate about. Whether it’s movies, TV shows, books, or even video games. My entire life, I have been a nerd, loving genres like anime, video games, superheroes, etc.

My favorite anime of all time would have to be the classic Dragonball Z. I have been a fan of this franchise for 25 years. I have also been a fan of the MCU since the first Iron Man film hit theaters back in 2008. Needless to say, get ready to nerd out with me!

When I was a teenager in the late 2000s, it was not cool to talk about these genres in public. So I do not have many friends to talk to about the content I love so much.

The Closet Nerd Facts blog will come from the heart of an above-average fan. I hope to gain a following of people who love the same content as me and maybe even make a few friends along the way. Please feel free to reach out. Thank you for taking a chance on me; I promise you will not regret it!