As many of you know, Akira Toriyama passed away recently. He is well known for creating great manga, including Dr. Slump and the epic Dragonball series. Since I heard of his passing, I’ve thought about his influence on me over the years and how Akira Toriyama changed my life for the better. Over 2 weeks later, it still feels like I’ve lost a friend who I’ve never even met.

Akira Toriyama changed my life. Pilot episode of Dragonball.

For those who don’t know, I started watching DBZ when I was about four years old. The show quickly became my favorite show of all time. I loved it all—the manga, anime, and video games. On top of that, the show helped me make friends in my childhood and has helped me through some difficult times in my life. Today, I’d like to take the time to thank Sensei for the legacy he left behind.

Here’s what Dragonball Z has given me throughout my 30 years.

1. A love for Japanese Culture

Akira Toriyama changed my life. A love for Japanese culture. Kyoto.

DBZ helped introduce me to the beautiful country known as Japan. From anime to film to the rich cuisine that Japan has, the country has been a bucket list destination for over 20 years. The pandemic made this much harder over the past four years as Japan closed its borders. But I knew that it was going to be the first international trip that I’d commit to.

Thankfully, that dream became a reality in 2023. I was able to visit the country for three weeks, traveling to seven cities totaling 2100km. The trip was everything I hoped for—eating Japanese specialties like Okonomiyaki, Taiyaki, and ramen. I also tested myself physically with a challenging hike to reach the peak of Mount Fuji.

I had so much fun on this trip that I’d be open to returning to Japan for snowboarding. This is all thanks to Akira Toriyama and his portrayal of Japanese culture in his manga.

2. A love for travelling

How Akira Toriyama Changed My life. A love for Travelling.

Traveling was a big part of my 20s, and a lot of that inspiration came from watching the first installment of Dragonball. There was something about watching Goku travel the world on a Nimbus cloud, searching for the seven dragon balls that I loved. It didn’t matter whether he was traveling with his friends or by himself. The kid couldn’t sit still for long, and that was something I always admired about him.

That helped me fall in love with solo travel. My friends married young, forcing me out of my comfort zone and trying things alone as Goku did. I never would’ve stepped out of my shell and been comfortable with myself if it weren’t for Toriyama. Thanks to him, I went on many adventures and broadened my horizons.

3. Being a life-long athlete

How Akira Toriyama changed my life. He taught me the importance of being a lifelong athlete.

Akira Toriyama changed my life by incorporating the idea of being a lifelong athlete into his characters. Goku and Vegeta train well into their 30s and 40s, but it feels like they’re just getting started. You see this in Dragonball Super when the Saiyans train under Beerus and Whis. It just seems like there is no ceiling to their power levels.

I try to keep this in mind with my own fitness journey. I was never an elite athlete, but Dragonball Z has motivated me to try new things I never would have, like learning how to snowboard at 26 years old. DBZ has shown me that it’s never too late to learn something new.

From a fitness perspective, DBZ has also shown me the value of pushing yourself to the absolute limit. Forcing yourself to be the best version of yourself that you can be. I often find myself listening to DBZ clips when I’m working out. It seems to give me an extra pump when I’m lifting weights. Hopefully, I’m not the only one.

4. Follow your dreams

Goku never fought to kill or harm. He did it because he loved martial arts, not caring about money or material possessions. He just wanted to pursue his passion and get better. I think the essence of Goku is something we need to copy. A lot of us get trapped in this rat race and do any job to survive. But doing that will make us feel unfulfilled and empty.

I’d rather be like Goku, following my dreams and not caring whether or not I make a dime. Akira Toriyama’s passing is a reminder of how short life is and that you only have one chance to make your dreams a reality. 

5. Importance of Family and Friends

One thing that I loved about Akira Toriyama was the personality he gave Goku. Goku always wants to protect his family and friends, and you can see how much he cares for his loved ones. The best example of this is Goku’s first Super Saiyan transformation after his best friend dies from Frieza’s blast. You can feel the rage in Goku when Krillin dies. Goku might not always be there for his loved ones, but he does his best. That’s all you can ask of someone.

I especially learned this lesson after graduating from university. Learning that my social circle would become a lot smaller gave me a deeper appreciation for the family and friends I had. They’ve helped me keep my sanity over the years.

6. A lifelong love for anime

Akira Toriyama has made DBZ a series that young and older generations love. I can chat about the anime with someone ten or even 15 years younger than me. His work has popularized anime and made it a global phenomenon. Dragonball Z has reached international fame, and it’s common for adults to watch all types of anime now.

I have gotten many friends to try anime by using Dragonball Z, a gateway anime everyone knows.  I look forward to days when I can sit at home and watch DBZ with my kids.


So overall, that’s how Akira Toriyama changed my life for the better. I want to take this moment to say thank you, Akira. Your work has inspired me and helped me get through some dark times. I’ve learned so much about life through Dragonball Z. Your work will live on for generations. I know it. May you rest in power and my prayers are with your family.

If you liked this, then check out my Godzilla Minus One review. Thank you so much for reading, and as always, until next time!

Categories: Anime

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My Top 8 Dragonball Scenes: A Fan's Ultimate Countdown - Closet Nerd Facts · April 13, 2024 at 6:55 pm

[…] Akira Toriyama changed my life for the better […]

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