I’ve been an anime fan for a long time , but binge watching became a religion for me during the pandemic. Watching 1-2 episodes of anime on the daily and reading manga slowly became a norm for me.  However anime still has its problems and we’ll be discussing them.

1. Constant Cancellation

Cancelled Anime

The biggest problem that I’ve found with anime is that they often get cancelled in the middle of a series. Forcing a fan to read the manga after to know how the story ends.   Anime studios usually take several years to get the funding required to finish the series. Luckily, I don’t mind reading the manga but many people don’t share my sentiment and end up waiting years to finish an anime

2. Dub Vs Sub

Sub Vs Dub

An argument I’ve heard numerous times over the years. I like subbed anime because the voice acting captures the emotion and expression of characters more accurately.  But there are many anime I’ve watched dubbed like Dragonball Z, Bleach and Pokemon. I see no problem in watching content dubbed.  Sometimes it’s easier to start out with dub before making the transition.

3. Fillers, Fillers, Fillers !

The extra stories which don’t add anything to the main plot of an anime.  Back when I was a kid with an abundance of time, I used to love fillers but not anymore. Especially with anime like Naruto or Bleach where you’ll enter a filler arc every few episodes (extremely frustrating). Use a filler guide to save yourself some time and avoid the problem.

4. Hiatus between Seasons

Attack on Titan 3 part final season

Waiting years for seasons can be daunting and the pandemic made this worse. An anime like Vinland Saga had its first season in 2019.  After 3 years we are finally getting trailers for season 2… That’s a long time to wait for a season!

5. Unwanted Spin-Offs

Boruto a rip off of Naruto

Spin-offs about a main character’s kid have become more common over the years (Naruto, 7 deadly sins, Inyuasha).  These anime spin-offs often rip off the original story and don’t offer much to the franchise. Take Boruto the anime is nearly 6 years old and the characters have had very little development in that time. These spin-offs often leave fans disappointed.  


In conclusion there are a lot of anime problems but like Selena Gomez says ‘The Heart wants what it wants’. I’ll take these problems any day If I’m invested in the story.

Categories: Anime