A lot happens in this issue as Kawaki and Boruto’s Karma reveals the truth of Amado’s true intentions.  The chapter starts off with a conversation via telepathy in 3 different locations between the leaf shinobi, and the former Kara members. Amado begins breaking down the incredible abilities of Ada and her younger brother Daemon. Amado reveals that he did not create the siblings’ abilities from scratch.

The Ohtsutsuki who became a god

Shiba Ohtsutsuki
Shiba Ohtsutsuki becoming a god

Instead, Amado transferred them from a god known as Shiba Ohtsutsuki. Shiba had travelled to and destroyed many planets via the divine tree method. Shiba had also resurrected several times through the Karma. Repeating this process over and over again eventually led to Shiba becoming a god. Amado thinks that after Shiba became a god he went to a higher dimension and no longer needs a body.

Shiba’s God techniques or Shinjutsu (as Amado calls them) are divine miracles.  Amado states that ninjutusu and sage arts were nothing but cheap imitations of Shinjutsu.

Amado’s real intentions

Delta is the clone of Amado's daughter
Amado makes a clone of his daughter the result being Delta

The chapter reveals a little bit about Amado’s past. He had lost a daughter 12 years prior. Amado began using his deceased daughter’s remains and memories to create clones. Delta is the result of the clones. But the experiment was a failure since the personality was never right. This is when Jigen had taken interest in Amado’s work.

Kawaki Karma contains Amado's daughter DNA
Kawaki’s Karma contains the DNA of Amado’s daughter

Amado reveals that Kawaki’s karma contains the DNA of his deceased daughter. He plans to have Kawaki transfer his karma to a Delta model so that he can get his daughter back.  Shikamaru still hesitant asks Ada to use her Senreigan to confirm that Amado had a daughter which she confirms.

Enter Momoshiki! Boruto’s Karma reveals the truth?!

 Boruto's Karma contains Momoshiki
Momoshiki still exists within Boruto’s conscience

It’s at this point Momoshiki enters Boruto’s mind to talk to him. Momoshiki mentions that while everything Amado says about Shiba and Shinjutsu is true one thing doesn’t add up. Ada’s universal charm is not inherited from Shiba.  Amado maybe hiding something else….

Jougan eye
Boruto’s Jougan aka the Eye of destiny

All of a sudden Boruto’s Jougan eye activates and he gets a vision of team 7 and 10. The young shinobi seem to be in combat with a familiar enemy (Kawaki). Mitsuki enters sage mode ready to fight Kawaki. Boruto is left confused by this vision as Kawaki is sitting beside him.

Thoughts on Chapter 75

Overall I thought that this was a great chapter (find it here) as we learned so much about Karma, Amado and about Shiba Ohtusuki. I’m actually curious to see if Momoshiki and Boruto’s relationship grows into a friendship with the two working together. Similar to Naruto and Kurama’s relationship. I can’t wait to see what happens in the next chapter. Anyways guys that wraps it up for today. Once again thank you so much for reading and make sure to comment below. AJ is out of here!  

Categories: Anime