The second season of Vinland Saga has just finished airing, consisting of 24 episodes. After watching the second season weekly, I’d say it’s better than the first. You can tell that the creators put a lot of time and effort into the different elements of this season. If you have never heard of this anime, I highly recommend it. Just a warning: there are spoilers ahead. Without further ado, here is everything you will love in Vinland Saga season 2.

Recap of Season 1:

A reminder of how season 1 ends: We see King Sweyn insult Askeladd’s homeland, Wales. Askeladd uses this chance to kill Sweyn and crown Canute as king so that he can protect Wales. Sweyn’s army quickly battled Askeladd but with no success.

Canute eventually stabs Askeladd with his sword in a staged event to get the king’s army to follow him loyally. Thorfinn is left traumatized, as he spent 11 years plotting revenge on Askeladd for killing his father, Thors. Thorfinn angrily approaches Canute and slices his cheek with his dagger. The king’s guards grab ahold of Thorfinn and take him away, ending the first season.

What happens in Season 2?

Everything you will love in Vinland Saga Season 2. Thorfinn's first appearance.

In season 2, we learn that Canute sends Thorfinn into slavery as punishment for attacking him. Thorfinn eventually ends up in the hands of Ketil, a wealthy farm owner. Thorfinn meets a young man named Einar, who lost his family in a Viking raid and was sold into slavery shortly after. The two young men spend time together plowing land and growing crops. The friendship eventually grows into a brotherhood.

However, when Canute’s army invades Ketil’s farm, Thorfinn and Einar start to question the point of their existence.

Characters who stepped up

Everything you will love in Vinland Saga Season 2.  Thorfinn maturing

I have often told my friends that Thorfinn might be the most complex character I have ever seen in any anime. Throughout his teens, Thorfinn seeks revenge on Askeladd for killing his father. He spends his time with Askeladd’s army and learns the ways of the Vikings. Killing hundreds of people by the time he turns 17 years old. But after Askeladd’s death at the hands of Canute in season 1, Thorfinn begins to question the purpose of his life.

In season 2, Thorfinn is between the ages of 19 to 22 years old, and he matures greatly. After meeting Einar, Thorfinn learns the joy of an honest day’s work and a simple, peaceful life. But after Ketil’s farm is in danger, Thorfinn begins to see the common problems in the world. Wanting to fulfill his father’s wish, Thorfinn seeks to make Vinland a land that does not know of war and slavery a reality.

Everything you will love in Vinland Saga Season 2.  Thorfinn recites Thors line.

Ironically, Thorfinn had to go through a cycle of chaos and violence of his own only to arrive at the same ideology as his father. That violence is never the answer. One of the most memorable moments in this anime is when Thorfinn says: “I have no enemies.” A lesson his father, Thors, taught him.

2. Einar

Everything you will love in Vinland Saga Season 2. Thorfinn's brother Einar.

Einar plays a big role in developing Thorfinn’s character during season 2. He gives Thorfinn a vote of confidence, telling him that his life has meaning after learning of the warrior’s treacherous past. At this point, Thorfinn is a mindless slave. But after working with Einar, Thorfinn begins to see the joy working brings to himself and others. So, Einar is the stepping stone in Thorfinn’s character change.

Einar is the perfect right-hand man for Thorfinn. Having lost his family to war, Einar shares Thorfinn’s dream of creating a land without war and slavery.

3. Snake

Everything you will love in Vinland Saga Season 2. Snake a powerful warrior.

Snake is the head of security on Ketil’s farm. He appears to be a lazy man but a skilled warrior. Despite being well over a decade older than Thorfinn. He admits he has never faced an opponent as quick as Snake. However, despite his superior combat skills, he is a soft-hearted man. Snake often defends mistreated slaves; a good example is when he stops Ketil from beating Arnheid, who was pregnant with a child.

Snake acted as a voice of reason after the war, telling Ketil and his family to give up as they couldn’t win. When Ketil’s son, Olmar, was willing to surrender, Snake offered to go with him for moral support as he talked to Canute.


Everything you will love in Vinland Saga Season 2. Paradox Theme song.

The music in this season was incredible. The season changes theme songs midway through the season, but I didn’t mind as both songs captured the intensity of the season perfectly. I love that every theme song used in this anime has English lyrics. Every track that I’ve heard from this anime is on my playlist. Here is a list of the songs that stood out to me from season 2:

  • River (By Anonymouz)
  • Paradox (By Survive Said the Prophet)
  • Without Love (LMYK)
  • Ember (By: Haju Harmonics)

Also, here are some memorable songs from the first season:

  • MUKANJYO (By Survive Said the Prophet)
  • Drown (By Milet)

Fight Scenes

Everything you will love in Vinland Saga Season 2. Thorfinn loses an ear.

Vinland Saga, an anime focusing on war across nations, does not have extensive fights in the second season. The reason is that Thorfinn resides on a peaceful farm for most of the season. While there are little scuffles here and there throughout the first season, nothing intense happens.

Everything you will love in Vinland Saga Season 2. Thorfinn vs Snake.

The second half of the season enters the war phase. My favorite fight in the entire season would be Thorfinn versus Snake to save Arnheid’s husband Gardar. I was on the edge of my seat while watching this fight. The first time we see a battle between two warriors who use speed to finish off their opponents in this anime. Thorfinn could hold his ground against an older, more experienced Snake.

Everything you will love in Vinland Saga Season 2. Thorfinn vs Drott.

When Canute declares war on Ketil’s farm, the raid is what you would expect from previous Viking fights you see in this anime. Full of corpses and blood everywhere as Canute easily overpowers Ketil’s forces But near the end of the war, Thorfinn wants to put an end to the violence. Thorfinn bets he can take 100 punches from a warrior named Drott for a chance to speak to Canute. Throughout the entire fight, Thorfinn doesn’t throw a single jab but leaves the army speechless with his resolve.


Everything you will love in Vinland Saga Season 2. Arnheid holds Gardar before he pasees away.

The writing in this season takes a serious tone for a good amount of the season. For example, in the beginning, you learn of the tragic pasts that new characters like Einar or Arnheid had to endure before settling on Ketil’s farm to become slaves.

Another great scene is when Thorfinn questions the purpose of his life. He doesn’t see the point of living since a good thing has never happened to him. It takes Einar to show him the light and the joys of working on a farm.

Thorfinn finally gets a clear sense of direction in a scene that happens within Thorfinn’s subconscious as he reunites with Askeladd and all the people he killed in Valhalla. Askeladd encourages Thorfinn to live his life without war and move on. While carrying the guilt of all the people he has killed, as that would be his punishment.

Not all is perfect when Thorfinn finally finds his resolve. But as we go into the second half of the season, Ketil’s farm is under attack. Thorfinn maturity shows in a great scene where he and Einar argue with King Canute about their resolutions. The two young men disagree with the King’s methods, as they believe war isn’t required to create a paradise.

Moving on to the emotional scenes, one of the most heartfelt is when Thorfinn reunites with his mother after 16 years. Her mother is in tears at how much he’s grown, and Thorfinn breaks down as he apologizes to his mother for all the pain that he has put her through.

Ironically, this season’s funniest scenes occur in the latter episodes, when Thorfinn reunites with his sister Ylva. Initially, she doesn’t think Thorfinn is her brother but a fraud trying to claim her fortune. In a hilarious scene, Ylva nearly kills him by strangling him in rage. When Ylva finally learns the truth she’s angry that Thorfinn didn’t return sooner , and knocks him out with a single punch. Showing she did inherit her dad’s strength.


The animation used in this anime is always stunning. When you look at the characters who have been in the anime since season 1, you notice little details showing they have aged a bit. For Thorfinn and Canute, it’s a more defined face with facial hair. Expressions on faces are drawn perfectly, making it easy to tell what a character is thinking before they even say a word.

Most of the season takes place in Denmark on Ketil’s farm. The fields are lush, green, and lifelike; it’s almost as if you were looking at a painting. Seeing characters working on the farm and sitting down to share a meal was memorable to me. The animation was so well done that it made me feel like I was on the farm myself.

Check out Season 2 of Vinland Saga

So overall, there’s everything you will love in Vinland Saga season 2. This season reminds me of why I love anime so much. I cannot remember an anime where I was so excited when an episode dropped each week. It’s been great seeing Thorfinn mature into a well-respected young man. Even though I read the manga monthly, I can’t wait for season 3 to drop.

For those who haven’t heard about this anime, I hope you guys check out Vinland Saga. It’s truly one of a kind. If you who have watched the second season. What were your favorite moments? Let me know in the comments. Also, check out my YouTube Anime fight post. Thank you so much for reading, and don’t forget to like and share. As always, until next time!

Categories: Anime

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The 5 Best Characters from My Hero Academia - Closet Nerd Facts · July 28, 2023 at 11:28 pm

[…] from My Hero Academia? Let me know in the comments. If you liked this post, check out my Vinland Saga Season 2 Recap. Thank you so much for reading, and as always, until next […]

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