For today, I thought I’d break down my top 8 Naruto scenes. I’ve been watching this series for half my life, and it’s one of my favorite anime. Everyone who watches this show can find someone that they can relate to. These scenes are inspiring, and I think anyone can take something away from these moments I’ve listed. Now let’s dive into them!

1. Sasuke saves Naruto from Haku

This first moment in my Top 8 Naruto scenes happens in the Land of Waves arc. Naruto and Sasuke are fighting a rogue shinobi named Haku, who has the boys trapped in an ice prison. Luckily, Sasuke unlocks the Sharingan in this battle. Haku doesn’t want to draw out this battle and decides to target the weak link, Naruto. Sasuke instinctively shields Naruto from the blow, but he seemingly dies.

I love this scene because it shows how complex their relationship is. Both of these kids were dealt the worst possible hand by being left all alone in the world without a family. Despite being rivals, both understood and cared for each other deeply. They were competitive brothers at this point in their relationship.

1 on My Top 8 Naruto scenes.

My favorite line of this scene would have to be when Sasuke tells Naruto not to let his dream of becoming Hokage die. Naruto wasn’t very talented, so this dream was a long shot, but Sasuke believed in him. These words pushed Naruto over the edge and caused Kurama’s chakra to take over. Naruto fully intended to kill Haku for Sasuke’s death, and he easily could have.

2. Naruto vs. Neji

The next scene on my list happens in the second round of the Chunin exams. In this round, Naruto faces Neji, a prodigy of the Hyuga clan. In the first round of the Chunin exams, Neji nearly kills his cousin Hinata out of resentment for her being born into the main branch. Naruto wishes to avenge his friend Hinata, and he vows to beat Neji.

Despite his training, Naruto is no match for Neji’s genius. The Hyuga prodigy begins to taunt Naruto, stating only shinobi chosen by destiny become Hokage. Naruto wants to prove Neji wrong and show him anyone can change their destiny. So, he summons the demon fox’s chakra to overpower Neji and beat him with a surprise attack.

2 on My Top 8 Naruto scenes. Quote Naruto says to Neji.

The line that resonates with me is when Neji questions why Naruto challenges his destiny. Naruto replies, ‘Because people called me a failure, I’ll prove them wrong. ‘ This is a great line that shows how Naruto lives his life and how we all should as well.

3. Gaara’s vow to become Kazekage

Now we skip over to part 2 of the anime in Naruto Shippuden. We go to the very first arc, the Kazekage rescue.  In a flashback scene, his older brother, Kankuro, advises Gaara not to join the front lines. Everyone thinks the worst of Gaara since he’s a vessel (Jinchuruki) to the tailed beast Shukkaku.

Gaara says he already knows this but wants to change his relationship with the Sand Village. Stating Naruto inspired him to reshape his life. This is the first time he states his desire to become a protector of the sand village by becoming the next Kazekage.

This scene resonates with me because, in Part 1, you see how destructive Gaara is. Back then, he was all alone and believed his purpose in life was to be the Hidden Sand’s killing machine. After fighting Naruto, another Jinchuruki, Gaara learned the importance of having friends. From there on, he began to change, becoming an ally to the leaf. 

This moment perfectly symbolizes how one person can change your life. Without Naruto’s guidance, who knows what Gaara would be? 

4. Kakashi’s Sacrifice

We’re halfway through my top 8 Naruto scenes and have arrived at the Pain Invasion arc. Kakashi saves Iruka from the deva path of Pain, and the two begin to fight. Kakashi, with the help of the Akimichis, gets the upper hand in the fight until the Asura Path joins.

To protect the Leaf, Kakashi sends Choji to report to the Hokage about Pain’s abilities. But Pain launches a missile to kill Choji. Kakashi decides to sacrifice himself for the Leaf Village. The Copy Ninja uses his mangeykyo sharingan to send the missile to another dimension with Kamui. With Kakashi’s chakra depleted, he fades into the afterlife and reunites with his loved ones.

3 on my Top 8 Naruto scenes. Kakashi's Sacrifice.

I love this scene because Kakashi is such a legendary shinobi in the Ninja world. But there are still so many powerhouses that outclass him. Still, Kakashi doesn’t back down and does everything possible to protect his village, being the embodiment of the will of fire. It’s selfless actions like this that eventually made him the 6th Hokage. 

5. Naruto becomes a hero

This scene occurs after the pain invasion, when Naruto gets through to Nagato and makes him see the error of his ways. Nagato uses the Samsara of Heavenly Life jutsu to resurrect all the people killed during the invasion, at the cost of his life. When Naruto returns to the village, everyone welcomes him as a hero.

This scene is so important because, for Naruto’s entire life, the village shunned him for being the Nine Tails Jinchuruki. But he ignored that and kept working hard towards becoming the Hokage. After saving the Leaf Village several times, people finally began to notice. This moment was icing on the cake as everyone finally realized that Naruto was the protector of the Leaf Village.

6. Might Guy vs Madara Uchiha

After Madara becomes the Sage of the Six Paths, he is too powerful for the allied Shinobi forces. The only types of combat that will work on him are senjutsu and taijutsu. After hearing this, Guy unlocks the eight inner gates to fight Madara, even though doing this will mean his death. His student, Rock Lee, and best friend, Kakashi, watch in astonishment as the red vapor enshrouds Guy’s body after unlocking the final gate.

I love this fight because it gives Might Guy the flowers he deserves. This fight is intense and jaw-dropping. Guy is easily able to overpower Madara with his barrages of Taijutsu. I think Guy gets the best shot at Madara during the entire war. Madara even praises Guy, calling him the most powerful opponent he’s faced.

6 on Top 8 Naruto scenes. Might Guy vs Madara Uchiha.

My favorite line in this scene would have to be when Guy recalls his father’s condition for unlocking the 8th gate: “To protect something precious to you.’“It was a valuable lesson that Guy taught Lee in Part 1 of the anime. Lee tears up as he watches his sensei battle, remembering this lesson. Overall, this was a great fight.

7. Team 7 seals Kaguya

After Obito’s death, Team Seven was devastated. But a miracle happens when Obito’s spirit returns to gift Kakashi both Mangeykyo Sharingan. With an improved dojutsu, the copy ninja gets a brand-new Susanoo. As Team 7 prepares for their final mission to seal Kaguya.

My favorite line in this scene occurs right after Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke seal Kaguya away. Kakashi calls the moment picture-perfect as he reminisces about the first time he met his team. He proudly tells his students that he loves them. With all the pain and suffering that Kakashi has experienced, it’s great to see him find happiness in his life by becoming a sensei to the younger generation.

I love this scene because it shows how much Team 7 has grown since we first met them in Part 1 of the anime. They’re not perfect by any means, but their teamwork is flawless. I’ve watched these characters grow up, and seeing them save the world from Kaguya is special.

8. Sasuke acknowledges Naruto

This final moment in my top 8 Naruto scenes happens at the end of the series. Naruto and Sasuke have beaten each other to a bloody pulp. Sasuke asks Naruto why he would go so far to save him. Naruto replies that they’re friends and hates seeing Sasuke face everything alone. After this revelation, we hear what Sasuke thinks of Naruto.

We learn so much about the friendship that we didn’t know before. Sasuke respected Naruto’s drive and wanted to fight Naruto as a rival one day. He also cares deeply about Naruto and feels pain whenever his friend does. Finally, he revealed that he was always jealous of Naruto, feeling like his friend was ahead of him, just like Itachi. 

These secrets are all new to the audience. For the longest time, we’ve always felt like Sasuke thought he was superior to his peers. So, it was interesting to hear Sasuke’s point of view on the story. I felt like I knew Sasuke pretty well, but this scene did change my perspective on him. It was great to see him finally come to his senses and accept Naruto as an equal at the end of the series.

What were your favorite Naruto scenes?

So overall, those were my top 8 Naruto scenes. I’ve watched these characters grow from kids to adults. Naruto is just as nostalgic to me as the Dragonball anime, and it’s an anime I’ll rewatch when I’m old and grey. I hope you find these scenes as enjoyable as I did.

What were your favorite scenes? Let me know in the comments. If you liked this post, check out my Top 8 Dragonball Scenes post. Thank you so much for reading, and as always, until next time!

Categories: Anime