Boruto Recap on Chapter 77. Boruto vs Kawaki

Over the past 6 years, we have not had any reason to fast-forward the story to the present, where Kawaki and Boruto fight over the destroyed Hokage faces. That is, until this chapter was released. Looking back at the conversation Kawaki and Boruto have in the present, a lot makes sense when comparing it to this chapter. So here’s a quick recap on Boruto Chapter 77 and how it will set things up for the leaf village in the coming years.

A new Motive to protect Naruto

Boruto Recap on Chapter 77. Kawaki finds out Momoshiki is alive.

Chapter 77 picks up where we last left off. Kawaki catches wind that Momoshiki is having a conversation with Boruto and demands Momoshiki reveal himself. Kawaki continues to hold on to Boruto, but Saranda and Shikamaru convince him to stand down. Annoyed by the turn of events, Kawaki leaves the house and erases his Chakra signature, making it impossible for all but Boruto to track him down. Boruto and the crew enter the Leaf Village to search for Kawaki.

At the Uzumaki residence, Naruto and Hinata are preparing to have dinner. They are interrupted by Kawaki, who reveals that Momoshiki is still alive and living inside Boruto. Kawaki expresses his gratitude to Naruto and wants to protect him at all costs., even if he has to kill Boruto. Naruto and Hinata object to this proposition, of course. Kawaki then activates his Dojutsu and sends the couple away to another dimension. After completing his quest to kill Boruto, he is prepared to bear their hatred.

Where does Himawari fall into all of this?

Boruto Recap on Chapter 77. Daemon and Himawari in love?

While shopping with Eida and the girls, Boruto tries to keep Daemon entertained. Daemon rushes to Himawari when she walks by the store, having sensed something strange about her. He strikes her, but she does not respond because she is not a shinobi. Daemon tells Boruto he’s picking up intense energy from her. Boruto thinks this means that Himawari has a crush on Daemon. Himawari looks confused as Boruto expresses his disapproval.

It really is unclear what Daemon is sensing from Himawari. Despite her diluted Hyuga blood, she could unlock the Byakugan as a toddler. She could also detect Naruto’s chakra points and knock him out with a single blow when he was a Kage-level shinobi. So Himawari has incredible potential if she wants to become a shinobi. But a romance between herself and Daemon can be just as interesting to the story.

A war with the Leaf Village is on the horizon

Meanwhile, we learn that Code is preparing for war. Currently, he is combining pieces of the Ten-Tails with his chakra to create new creatures called Claw Grime. Code has created 1,000 of these monsters, and is making more as we speak. He wants revenge on Kawaki for taking Isshiki and Eida away from him. So he’ll attack everything Kawaki holds dear, including the Leaf village.

How does this set up the future?

When you look at the first scene of the pilot episode, you see Boruto and Kawaki fighting over the destroyed Hokage faces. Kawaki says that he will send Boruto to the same place as Naruto. Kawaki most likely sent Naruto and Hinata to a different dimension. Hopefully, the time skip to the present happens sooner after the events of this chapter.

It will be interesting to see how the leaf village handles everything that transpires. Someone needs to take over as Hokage since Naruto is no longer around. Also, what role will Eida and Code play in the coming battle? Now that Kawaki has changed his motives, will they side with the leaf or with Kawaki? There will most likely be a fight between Boruto and Kawaki (similar to Naruto and Sasuke) before the time skip happens. I can’t wait.

So overall, that’s my recap on Boruto Chapter 77. What did you guys think of this month’s issue? Let me know in the comments. Thank you so much for reading, and until next time.

Categories: Anime