Kawaki and Boruto Karma activated. Recap on Boruto Chapter 79.

Boruto Chapter 79 was released a few days ago, and I am shocked by how this chapter ends. I never expected the manga to create a storyline as creative as this one. Momoshiki was not lying when he told Boruto that he would lose everything. But let’s Recap on Boruto chapter 79 before we get into theories.

Momoshiki warns Boruto that his life will take a dark turn

Momoshiki warns  Boruto. Recap on Boruto Chapter 79.

The chapter starts right where we left off last month. Momoshiki warns Boruto to prepare himself for the events that are soon to come. The Leaf defense forces are searching for Kawaki after he escapes with help from Momoshiki. Konohomaru, Sasuke, Mitsuki, and Sarada join the leaf’s defense forces, leaving Boruto alone.

Eida locates Kawaki. Recap on Boruto Chapter 79.

The Leaf is having trouble keeping track of Kawaki since he continues to erase his chakra signature. Kawaki manifests and hides behind a tree, huffing for breath as he’s nearly out of chakra. Eida, sensing this, flew away from her house and towards Kawaki.

Amado has another secret!

Amado's command code to shut down Kawaki. Recap on Boruto Chapter 79.

Meanwhile, Shikamaru is still on the search for Kawaki, he is contacted by Amado (via Ino’s telepathy). Amado pleads with Shikamaru not to kill Kawaki, as he needs him for his daughter’s revival. We then learn of a unique command code keyed to Amado’s voice that is implemented on the boy so that he can stop Kawaki in his tracks. All they need to do is get Amado in direct sight of Kawaki. Shikamaru responds, saying the Leaf cannot trust Kawaki and that he needs to be taken care of at all costs.

Eida shows the power of Omnipotence

Kawaki vents frustration on Boruto being the hokage's son. Recap on Boruto Chapter 79.

Taking place elsewhere, we see that Eida finally reaches Kawaki. Kawaki vents his frustration at being unable to protect Naruto and the Leaf Village from Momoshiki (residing in Boruto). Kawaki wished that Boruto wasn’t the Hokage’s son, as no one would take on the task of killing him because of their loyalty to Naruto. He then claims that if Boruto were an outsider like himself, the village wouldn’t think twice about killing him.

Eida's Omnipotence. Recap on Boruto Chapter 79.

Right then and there, Eida takes Kawaki by the face and activates her powers. Both teenagers are elevated several feet in the air, and a surge of energy shoots into the sky. When the couple returns to the ground, they are approached by the Leaf forces. Kawaki is about to attack them, but Eida stops him as something appears wrong.

A new fate for those with the curse of Karma

Kawaki Uzumaki. Recap on Boruto Chapter 79.

The leaf forces let everyone know it was a false alarm, as it was only Kawaki and Eida. The leaf shinobi are curious how Kawaki’s eye injury (the one Boruto got) healed so quickly. Kawaki is completely confused, but Eida responds, asking if Kawaki’s father (Naruto) has been located, to which the defense force replies no.

Friend or foe? Recap on Boruto Chapter 79.

Even stranger, once Boruto’s chakra is detected, a telepathic message is sent to all parties sharing his current location. Sarada is confused by the purpose of sharing Boruto’s location.Mitsuki and Sarada approach Boruto. An angry Mitsuki instantly attacks him. Momoshiki cautions Boruto to run away because it’s not just Mitsuki who wants to kill him.

A new Uzumaki is born!

Omnipotence explained.  Recap on Boruto Chapter 79.

Momoshiki explains that all the events that are happening is because of Eida’s Omnipotence power. Omnipotence is the programming language that gods use to turn anything into reality. She has been able to turn Kawaki’s desires into reality. Those desires were so that Kawaki could have Boruto’s life.

Fates have flipped!  Recap on Boruto Chapter 79.

After Eida’s jutsu, Boruto and Kawaki switched places. The leaf village now sees Kawaki as a young Uzumaki and the son of Naruto. Boruto is now seen as an outsider, invited into the Leaf as a guest, and pays them back by attacking the Hokage family. The only people who know the truth are the caster (Eida) and the Ohtusuki (Kawaki and Boruto). Both are immune to this jutsu. For some reason, Sarada also seems unaffected by omnipotence.

Kawaki Finesses the Leaf

Naruto is dead. Recap on Boruto Chapter 79.

Finally, Shikamaru contacts Eida to ask if she can use her clairvoyance to find Naruto. Kawaki, now fully aware of the situation, tells Eida to inform the leaf that Boruto killed Naruto. After this news is delivered to Konoha, the village will hunt Boruto down like a dog for revenge.

So overall, a great chapter, but many questions need to be answered. My biggest questions include the following:

1.  Is Sumire immune to Eida’s omnipotence, like Sarada?

Because both Kunoichis were immune to Eida’s charm, it stands to reason that Omnipotence, like Sarada, will not work on Sumire. Also, the young shinobi cannot communicate via telepathy because Ino is under the influence of Omnipotence. So Eida can now use clairvoyance to eavesdrop on chats they have had.

My theory is a bit farfetched, but I think these kunoichis are immune to Eida’s charm because they are both in love with Boruto, an Ohtusuki. Perhaps being in love with an Ohtusuki is enough to break Eida’s Omnipotence.

2. Who will be the 8th Hokage?

Now that the village has deemed Naruto dead, they need a new Hokage to lead them through this difficult time. Maybe Konohomaru will step up now that his big brother Naruto is gone. It’s also possible that a previous Hokage like Tsunade or Kakashi fills in during Naruto’s absence. Similar to Sarutobi after Minato’s death during the Nine-Tails attack.

3. Who will train Boruto?

It’s TBD whether Sasuke is under Eida’s Omnipotence like everyone else. Now that Boruto has lost nearly all his allies and resources, someone must train him. Boruto needs to level up and fight Kawaki in the future. Perhaps Momoshiki will teach Boruto how to use his Karma and Jogan. Mastering these two techniques would help him in his fight against Kawaki.

4. Who will raise Himawari?

After this chapter, Himawari is an orphan. Her aunt will most likely adopt and raise her. Hanabi will teach Himawari how to use the byakugan she manifested at a young age. She will likely seek revenge on her brother Boruto because she thinks he’s responsible for killing their family. When the time comes, we will see character and combat development in Himawari during Part II of the anime.

5. What will happen with Amado’s voice command?

Now that everyone is under Omnipotence, what will become of Amado’s command to shut Kawaki and Eida down? If Boruto learns this secret, it might be his best chance to beat Omnipotence and get his life back to normal. But will Amado reveal this secret when he’s under Eida’s spell?

Closing thoughts

So, overall there is the Recap on Boruto Chapter 79. Boruto will live the life of a wanted lawbreaker, which is the last thing you would expect from Naruto’s son. Thanks to the future scene we see at the beginning of the anime, we know that this spell will probably last several years. Meaning Naruto and Hinata will not be returning anytime soon. I can’t wait to see what comes next.

What did you guys think of this chapter? Let me know in the comments. If you liked this content, check out my post on 5 underrated DB Heroes. Thank you so much for reading, and until next time.

Categories: Anime


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