The Guardians of the Galaxy (GOTG) Vol. 3 released this month, and I finally caught a screening.  Despite the recent shortcomings of the MCU after the climactic events of Endgame, this movie is incredible and has everything that fans need. Providing hilarious comedy, great acting, and breathtaking CGI.  I was on the edge of my seat during the 2.5 hours, feeling a bundle of emotions and nostalgia for the 9-year journey that the GOTG has put us through. Let’s dive into this review of Guardians on the Galaxy Vol 3.

Rocket's childhood in Review on Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3

When Rocket is gravely injured early on in the film, it is up to the guardians to save their friend. The film really focuses on the origin of Rocket and the cruel past that he has had to endure before his introduction into the MCU. The movie takes a different approach, focusing on animal cruelty at the hands of humans. Some of these scenes were extremely hard to watch, but I still found it to be an enjoyable film overall. Let’s take a look at the different elements of this film.

The Characters We Love

Drax and Mantis in Review on Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3

The acting in this movie was superb, and we saw some incredible performances. Drax and Mantis, as usual, provide comic relief in some very awkward situations. Groot takes on a new form (a Gunn choice) and provides help whenever his friends are in danger throughout the film. A character that has taken a complete 360 is Nebula, as she now views the GOTG as her own family and is often seen taking on a leadership role in this movie.

Peter and Gamora in Review on Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3

Peter is still reeling over the loss of Gamora after the events of Infinity War, showing a willingness to cope with the pain via alcohol early on. But perhaps the most unique performance is by Zoe Saldana, who portrays an alternate version of Gamora introduced in Endgame. Different from the Gamora she has played in the past four movies. This Gamora has zero feelings for Peter and the GOTG, as she chooses the life of a ravager instead. This is interesting because Peter is reminiscing about his love life with a complete stranger.

New characters introduced

Adam Warlock in Review on Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3

The film also introduces a new character, Adam Warlock, played by Will Poulter. A new being who is created by the sovereign and is given the task of destroying the GOTG. Adam Warlock is trying to find his purpose in life. This was the character I found to be the weakest link in the movie. Mostly because Warlock would drop into the film at random points without providing any significance in most of his scenes. However, despite this, Warlock still finds purpose by the end of the film.

High Evolutionary in Review on Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3

The new villain introduced is called the High Evolutionary and is the creator of Rocket. He is a man who desires to create the perfect race and will go through any means to achieve his task. He often uses animals as test subjects to see what attributes work. Once he completes his research, he discards his test subjects. The High Evolutionary can be viewed as a less powerful version of Thanos with more unorthodox ideals.

Costume, Scenery and Action Sequences

new  uniforms in Review on Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3

A lot of effort goes into the stunning costume designs at Marvel. The GOTG finally have a uniform that they wear. Which is a blue jumpsuit first featured in the trailer. But hands down, the most unique costume in the film goes to Will Poulter’s character, Adam Warlock. The typical sovereign look of an all-gold being. Poulter stated that this costume took quite a bit of time to put on when they were filming for the movie. If you are looking for an idea for a Halloween costume, then this movie can give you quite a few.

Ego scenery in Review on Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3

For scenery, the GOTG movies are unique compared to the other hero films we have seen over the years. This is because the GOTG has adventures on different planets all over the galaxy. You see all types of creepy creatures in the film. The CGI that you see when watching the film is also top-notch. This movie is meant for an in-theater experience. I watched this film on a Friday with a few friends after work, and it was well worth the price of admission.

Rocket and Groot in Review on Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3

Like all Marvel movies, the action sequences are top-notch and not taken lightly. Since the cast has been together for nearly a decade, it makes the chemistry easier for the stars. One particular action scenario that sticks out to me has the GOTG fighting a line-up of aliens in a hallway, and they easily win.  This scene was well-directed, and James Gunn deserves props for creating this action sequence, as I will definitely rewatch this movie just for that scene.


Mixtape in Review on Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3

What I love most about the GOTG series is the music that they have in their films. Meredith Qill was a huge fan of pop music and before dying of cancer she gave her son Peter a mixtape that he would listen to throughout his life. He shared his love of music with the GOTG and it’s a passion they now all share.   By the end of the film each member names their favorite song before taking on a new mission. I mostly listen to Hip-Hop unfortunately, so I’m not going to pretend that I’m an expert on this soundtrack. But here are a few tracks that I adored while watching this film.

  • Since You Been Gone (by Rainbow)
  • We Care A Lot (by Faith No More)
  •  No Sleep Till Brooklyn (by Beastie Boys)

New direction of the MCU

So overall, I think that GOTG Vol. 3 is a great film. I recommend this movie to anyone looking for something fun to watch this summer. I think it’s the best Marvel movie we have had since Spider-Man: No Way Home. It’s a perfect ending to one of the early series in the MCU. Since their introduction in the summer of 2014, these characters have become beloved by millions worldwide. I will miss the GOTG and hope they appear via cameos in future projects.

So overall, that is my review on Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3. I think it is a great film and recommend it to anyone looking for something fun to watch this summer. I think it’s the best Marvel movie we have had since Spider-Man: No Way Home. It’s a perfect ending to one of the early series in the MCU. Since their introduction in the summer of 2014, these characters have become beloved by millions worldwide. I will miss the GOTG and hope they appear via cameos in future projects.

If you watched the movie, let me know what you guys thought about it in the comments. If you liked this post, check out my Top Avenger Leader candidate’s post. Thank you so much for reading, and as always, until next time.

Categories: SuperHero