The 5 Best Characters from My Hero Academia

I have been a fan of My Hero Academia (MHA) for over 4 years. It’s one of my favorite anime of all time. Even though MHA has hundreds of characters, they are all well-rounded and relatable. So today, I thought I’d share my opinion on the 5 Best Characters from My Hero Academia. Each of these characters is unique and special in their own way. Now let’s start breaking them down!

1. Shoto Todoroki

1. Shoto Todoroki on The 5 Best Characters from My Hero Academia

Todoroki is my favorite character in this anime. When you initially meet him, you think he is some stuck-up prodigy since he is the son of the second-best hero in Japan. However, within the first season, you realize what a hard life he’s had. Whether it’s the strange relationship, Todoroki has with his father, Endeavour, or the trauma of having his face burned by his mother when he was a child.

His complicated family life is relatable and not something any other kid in class 1A has to deal with. However, despite all of the obstacles in his life, he strives to use his powers of fire and ice to excel and be the best hero possible. He is a devoted friend, going through any means necessary to help them.

One of my favorite moments is when Todoroki goes up against Deku at the UA Sports Festival. Even though Deku was inexperienced and unable to control One For All (OFA). This fight was jam-packed with excitement. It was also the first time that Todoroki chose to use his fire quirk under the advice of Deku. Who told him it was his fire quirk and not his father’s. Overall, it was a great fight, and I highly recommend it if you haven’t watched it.

2. Katsuki Bakugo

2. Katsuki Bakugo on The 5 Best Characters from My Hero Academia

Bakugo is Deku’s childhood rival who develops his quirk at an extremely young age and is considered a prodigy by many of his peers. While initially a jerk, he eventually warms up to his classmates. Having a particular soft spot for Deku, Kirishima, and Kaminari. Bakugo was the first to know that Deku inherited One For All from Almight. After figuring out the truth, he protects Deku, willing to sacrifice his life to save his friend.

My favorite Bakugo moment would have to be when he fights Deku after Almight loses his powers. Bakugo feels guilty that the world is without its #1 hero because Almight lost his powers after saving him from Shigaraki. But Deku tells him this is not his fault. This fight was a breakthrough moment, improving the relationship between the two young boys.

3. Izuku Midoriya

3. Izuku Midoriya on The 5 Best Characters from My Hero Academia

Deku was initially quirkless, but after receiving the quirk One For All (OFA) from Almight, he attends Hero Academy. It takes Deku a lot of time and effort to master OFA. Then, when he finally gets used to the quirk, we learn that there are six additional quirks from past users of OFA that Deku also has access to. Deku must constantly adapt and evolve to improve as a hero.

A fight that stands out with Deku would have to be against Chisaki. During this fight, Deku was forced to use OFA at 100%. Luckily, he had Eri helping him by reversing time, so the immense power of OFA couldn’t harm his body. This fight was animated beautifully, and it was such a great sequence. I have watched it several times.

Another honorable mention is the fight, where Deku teams up with his teacher, classmates, Grand Turismo, and Endeavour to fight Shigaraki, the new owner of All For One (AFO). This fight was intense, pushing Deku to the absolute limit. Unfortunately, Deku isn’t able to defeat AFO. Deku chooses to go rogue and fight on his own before his classmates convince him otherwise.

4. Elijiro Kirishima

4. Elijiro Kirishima on The 5 Best Characters from My Hero Academia

Kirishima is someone I admire and respect greatly. An incident that inspired him to become a hero happened in his childhood. When he saw his friend Mina save a classmate from a villain. From that moment on, he gave 110% to his training to become a worthy hero. He is one of the first friends that Bakugo makes when attending Hero Academy.

A unique trait that I love about Kirishima is that he doesn’t have a ton of confidence in his own abilities. It’s actually Bakugo who encourages him to believe that, with his quirk, he can become an impenetrable shield. Kirishima would use this advice and perfect his hardening quirk to become the Red Riot. Taking all the hits needed to protect his friends at all costs.

My favorite fight with Kirishima would be the match where he tag-teams with his mentor FatGum to fight against two Shie Hassaikai members. Kirishima defends Fatgum, taking a flurry of punches and buying his master enough time to gather all his energy to defeat the two villains with a single blow.

5. Minoru Mineta

5. Minoru Mineta on The 5 Best Characters from My Hero Academia

The last character on this list would have to be Mineta. He adds a lot of much-needed comedy to the show. Although he’s not the typical person you’d imagine when you hear the word hero, I still find him relatable. The typical beta male that is overlooked, and the underdog who tries to impress the ladies. It’s never a dull moment with Mineta around, to say the least.

Some funny moments with Mineta include him tricking his female classmates into wearing cheerleader outfits for the UA Sports Festival. Yayarozu was furious when she found out that she’d been tricked. Another hilarious moment is when Class 1A bathes in a hot spring, and Mineta tries to sneak a peek at the girls.

Who are your favorite characters from MHA?

So overall, in my opinion, those are the 5 Best characters from My Hero Academia. This series is one of the better anime of the modern era that I have enjoyed a lot. For those reading who are fans: What are your favorite characters from My Hero Academia? Let me know in the comments. If you liked this post, check out my Vinland Saga Season 2 Recap. Thank you so much for reading, and as always, until next time!

Categories: Anime

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In-Depth Movie Review of the First Slam Dunk - Closet Nerd Facts · August 6, 2023 at 2:11 am

[…] were your thoughts on it? Let me know in the comments. If you like this post, check out the recent My Hero Academia post covering my favorite characters. Thank you so much for reading, and as always, until next […]

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