It’s hard to believe Avengers: Endgame is turning 4 years old in a few months. The movie was a huge success, holding the record for highest-grossing box office until Avatar recaptured it following a re-release. But a question arose after watching Endgame: Who will lead the Avengers in the next movie? So, here is my list of the best 6 heroes to lead the Avengers in 2025 against Kang the Conqueror. These will all be active heroes from Earth 616, which is the main MCU timeline.

1. Doctor Strange

1 on The Best 6 Heroes to lead the Avengers

Strange has shown his commitment to saving the universe by any means necessary. He demonstrates his willingness to sacrifice himself to save Tony Stark in exchange for a slim chance of defeating Thanos. Strange is also one of the few heroes in our universe who has in-depth knowledge of the multiverse, making him an ideal candidate and perhaps the best-suited on this list. With his experience and devotion, fans would not be disappointed if he were to lead the Avengers.

2. Loki and Sylvie

A duo of Loki variants, who are both anti-heroes. Their methods of cunning deception are unpredictable, making them the best choice to lead the Avengers. Loki and Sylvie did cause this entire mess by killing Kang, which caused the main timeline to branch out into the multiverse. The Avengers would benefit from the Loki variants’ understanding of the Time Variance Authority (TVA). Since most of the MCU heroes do not know what caused the emergence of the multiverse.

3. Thor

3 on The Best 6 Heroes to lead the Avengers

Thor is hugely popular, being the only hero to have four stand-alone films in the MCU. He has helped make the MCU into the successful franchise it is today. We have seen him mature greatly throughout the eight films he’s appeared in, going from a god destined to rule Asgard to a loving father. With his experience, I think he would be the obvious choice to lead the Avengers. 

Hemsworth recently revealed his increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease and that he would be taking a break from acting as a result. I pray for him and his family. But hopefully Hemsworth can give the hero a proper ending. The MCU will not be the same without him if he decides to leave.

4. Captain Marvel

4 The Best 6 Heroes to lead the Avengers

Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel) is an ex-pilot who became Captain Marvel after developing superhuman abilities when coming into contact with Tesseract energy. Captain Marvel played a critical role in Endgame by saving Tony Stark from his initial fight with Thanos. She is also extremely powerful, being one of the few heroes who can fight Thanos without any help. With Kang the Conqueror on the horizon, Captain Marvel may have to step in to lead the Avengers to another victory.

5. Wong AKA Sorcerer Supreme

In my previous post, we discussed Wong stepping up in Phase 4 of the MCU. He attained the title of Sorcerer Supreme, outranking Stephen Strange. He is a great mentor to many, grooming the next generation of heroes to defend the earth. Wong also has good moral values, questioning Wanda and the ethics behind her actions in The Multiverse of Madness. With the amount of expertise he’s gained over the past 7 years, it would be great to see Wong leading the Avengers in the next movie.

6. Captain America

Who better to lead the Avengers than Captain America? With Steve Rogers passing the mantle down to Sam Wilson, we have a new Captain America. The new Captain America suit was introduced in the finale of the show “Falcon and the Winter Soldier.” Sam has good experience running missions with Steve in phases 2 and 3 of the MCU. But he is the least likely choice, as his presence within the MCU has been rather lacking.

Are there any Heroes I missed?

So, there you have it, guys, the best 6 heroes to lead the Avengers in 2025 against Kang the Conqueror. Is there anyone else I missed? Let me know in the comments. It will be interesting to see how the MCU plays out Phase 5, leading to the Avengers movies.

If you liked this, check out my post on the Best 5 Heroes in Phase 4 of the MCU. I hope you guys enjoyed reading, and until next time!

Categories: SuperHero

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4 Best Spider-Man Versions to debut in the MCU - Closet Nerd Facts · February 3, 2023 at 1:49 am

[…] The Best 6 Heroes to lead the Avengers in 2025 […]

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